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WIN2003下面的安装Adobe CS3方法

WIN2003下面的安装Adobe CS3方法


WIN 2003下面的安装方法:

Just install it (you can download from MS at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=bd02c19c-1250-433c-8c1b-2619bd93b3a2&DisplayLang=en ).

Run the tool, pick 'Add Application' from the file menu and browse to the 'setup.exe' program in the CS3 install folder on the DVD. Once you've added the app you can pick tests from the right pane. Open the 'Compatibility' node and check HighVersionLie. Right click it after checking it and pick properties. Fill in the above info to mimick win xp sp2 (option: major version 5, minor version 1, build number 2600. Advanced: service pack major 2, service pack minor 1) - you dont need to specify the product type field. Save everything (button on bottom right of app) and then run the installer for CS3 (setup.exe in the photoshop cs3 folder) with the Application Verifier running.


首先在微软下载一个工具ApplicationVerifier 下载地址在:http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=bd02c19c-1250-433c-8c1b-2619bd93b3a2&DisplayLang=en (我个人下载的是ApplicationVerifier.x86.msi)

安装并运行这个软件,在程序界面,选取 File 菜单下的 Add applicatoin 命令项,在弹出的文件选项对话框里选择cs 3 的安装起始文件 setup.exe。此时下方出现程序列表,右方会有参数修改。
点击加号,展开右边的Compatibility 项,勾选下面的 HightVersionLie 项目,并右键点击,选择这个项目的Properties命令,打开设置对话框,然后输入如下参数 major version 为5,minor version为1,build number为2600,service pack major为 2, service pack minor为 1,其他不用设置,点击OK退出对话框,再点击save保存设置,这时会弹出一个对话框,不用理会,点击OK保存。然后再重新运行cs3的setup.exe开始安装。就所有的组件都可以安装了。


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